Toomas Erik Anijärv

PhD student @ Clinical Memory Research Unit, Lund University | Adjunct Fellow @ Thompson Institute, University of the Sunshine Coast.


I’m a PhD student in the field of neuroimaging and neurodegenerative diseases at the Clinical Memory Research Unit in Lund University :sweden:. Furthermore, I’m an Adjunct Fellow at the Thompson Institute of University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia :australia:. I have a background in biomedical engineering and have obtained a Master’s degree in Medical Technology and Physics from Tallinn University of Technlogy :estonia:.

During my PhD, I’m investigating the early brain functional and structural changes of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET). My other research interests include examining different electroencephalography (EEG) methods as biomarkers for depression, suicidality, aging, and cognition. :nerd_face:

Most of my code for MRI data analysis can be found on my GitHib as mribrew. My signal processing and analysis work with EEG is available as EEG-pyline: EEG pipeline in Python. I’ve also created a Python package HLR - Hierarchical Linear Regression which allows researchers to perform hierarchical regression with ease in Python using Pandas dataframes. :man_technologist:

Besides my active involvement with neuroscience and neuroimaging research, I am interested in history and longevity.


Oct 20, 2023 Attended a 5-day functional MRI workshop in the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging in Boston, USA. :us: :airplane:
Aug 1, 2023 Started my PhD studies at the Clinical Memory Research Unit in the Faculty of Medicine in Lund University where I am going to investigate the early brain functional changes in the Alzheimer’s disease continuum. :brain: :sweden:
Feb 24, 2023 Developed and published a Python package ‘HLR - Hierarchical Linear Regression’. Available on GitHub and PyPI. :sweat_smile: :computer:

selected publications

  1. Article
    Spectral changes of EEG following a 6-week low-dose oral ketamine treatment in adults with major depressive disorder and chronic suicidality
    T. E. Anijärv*, A. T. Can*, C. C. Gallay, G. A. Forsyth, M. Dutton, J. S. Mitchell, D. F. Hermens, and J. Lagopoulos
    International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2023